Outback Farm
Outback Farm
Prepare to pick fresh blueberries at Outback Farm in Pryor. Pails for picking and the bags for you to carry your blueberries home will be provided. Look for ripe blueberries perfect for transforming into sweet berry cobblers, jams, jellies, smoothies and just plain healthy snacks. This local farm also offers fresh pre-picked blueberries in addition to u-pick blueberries during the season.
Outback Farm has frozen blueberries available throughout the year as long as the supply lasts. Make a note, just before the blueberry season starts, asparagus is fresh cut daily, usually during April and May. Consider trying some of the other products available at the farm like blueberry maple syrup, raw honey, homemade blueberry wine, assorted jams and herbal soaps. If you are planning a stop at Outback Farm "off season", it is always a good idea to call ahead so staff can be prepared to assist you.
U-pick: $25 per gallonPre-picked: $32 per gallon
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the pricing listed above, prices are subject to change without notice.