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Canton Lake Walleye Rodeo
May 15, 2025 - May 18, 2025

Canton Lake
Canton, OK 73724

Canton Lake Walleye Rodeo
May 15, 2025 - May 18, 2025

Canton Lake
Canton, OK 73724

Come and enjoy the annual Canton Lake Walleye Rodeo, Oklahoma's oldest and largest fishing tournament. Prizes will be awarded for the five largest walleye, total poundage of walleye for all four days and the largest fish caught in each of 10 different species. Other fish species in the competition include striped bass, drum, buffalo, carp, sunfish, flathead, white bass, channel cat, crappie, black bass and hybrid. There are also specially tagged fish that are worth $20 to $500 if caught. Fish must be registered at the official weigh station to be eligible for prizes, and all state game and fishing laws must be observed during the rodeo.

Join thousands of visitors at the Canton Lake Walleye Rodeo and enjoy festivities that include a Bingo, various vendor booths and garage sales. Saturday activities include a 5K and fun run, plus the annual Walleye Rodeo Parade. After the parade, enjoy a variety of food from local organizations plus a free street dance Saturday night. Sunday is the children's fishing derby for kids ages 12 and under (several lifetime fishing licenses will be awarded). Stick around for the awards ceremony and enjoy hamburgers and ice cream after the awards are handed out. For the non-fishermen, you can try your luck at the Lucky Star Casino or take in a race at the Longdale Speedway Racetrack.



Thursday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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