Flint & Steel Trail Run
Dec 7, 2024

160 New Life Ranch Dr
Colcord, OK 74338

Flint & Steel Trail Run
Dec 7, 2024

160 New Life Ranch Dr
Colcord, OK 74338

The Flint and Steel Trail Run spans the diverse trails over 1000 acres on the New Life Ranch Flint Valley property in Colcord. Casual runners will enjoy the scenic views of the 5K course, while competitive runners will no doubt relish the opportunity to tackle a tough 10K, and an incredibly challenging 25K. In-person and virtual run options are available.

The race name comes from the primitive skill of fire building using a flint rock and a piece of forged steel to create a spark. This skill is a challenge, there's friction involved, and sometimes some blood. The goal of using a flint rock and a piece of steel isn't just about learning to make sparks. It's about catching the spark and turning it into a sustainable fire. This great metaphor describes the mission of New Life Ranch. The mission isn't just about having fun, it's about seeing sustainable change happen in people's lives.



Begins at 8am.
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