Wagoner County Genealogy Resources

Discover Wagoner County and trace your family history and ancestry with this list of county-specific genealogy resources.

Wagoner County.

Wagoner County, located in northeastern Oklahoma, was named for Henry “Bigfoot” Wagoner, a railroad dispatcher from Kansas. French explorers and fur traders traveled in the area in the late 1700s, and in the 1800s, Americans began to explore the area. Early travel routes in Wagoner County included the Texas Road and the Shawnee Trail, then in 1872, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway was constructed in the county. The Wagoner City Historical Museum features artifacts of local history. Near Okay, Sequoyah Bay State Park on Fort Gibson Lake offers campsites, fishing, water sports and more. Whitehorn Cove Marina & Resort on Ft. Gibson Lake offers cabins and a floating restaurant.

In 2000, census records showed 57,491 people living in Wagoner County. Countless assets exist for tracing genealogy in Wagoner County including legal records, cemetery records and a local genealogical society. Valuable resources for researching genealogy in Wagoner County are provided below, including a detailed map of the county and a list of cemeteries located within the county.

Wagoner County Courthouse Information

Detailed Map of Wagoner County

Existing Towns in Wagoner County

Ghost Towns in Wagoner County

Cemeteries in Wagoner County

Libraries in Wagoner County

Add'l Resources for Wagoner County

Places to Visit in Wagoner County

Wagoner County Courthouse Information

Wagoner County Courthouse
307 E. Cherokee
Wagoner, OK 74467
Telephone: (918) 485-2261

Directions: W. Cherokee between Casaver & Lee.

Records available: Court Clerk has marriage, divorce, probate and civil court records from 1907.

Detailed Map of Wagoner County

Search for cemeteries, highways and scenic sites, or examine county and township lines with this detailed map of Wagoner County.

Existing Towns in Wagoner County

While researching your family history in Wagoner County, be sure to visit Wagoner, the largest town in the county. The following towns and cities are located in present day Wagoner County, Oklahoma.


Fair Oaks






Ghost Towns in Wagoner County

The following towns and cities either no longer exist in Wagoner County or are still populated, but significantly less so than in years past. These towns and cities are commonly referred to as "ghost towns."




Taylor Ferry



Rocky Point


Cemeteries in Wagoner County

The following cemeteries are located in present day Wagoner County, Oklahoma.

Anderson Cemetery

Apueka Cemetery

Atkins Cemetery

Bailey Cemetery

Beck Cemetery

Benge Family

Berryhill Cemetery

Bird Cemetery

Bowers Cemetery

Brady Cemetery

Bruner Cemetery

Bryant Cemetery

Burke Cemetery

Chalakee Cemetery

Cherokee Cemetery

Childers Cemetery

Choska Cemetery

Clarksville Cemetery

Clinging Cemetery

Concharty Creek (AKA
Stone Bluff) Cemetery

Coweta Mission

Creek Freedman

Elmwood Cemetery

Elmwood Cemetery
(Bennett Addition)

Evergreen Cemetery

Fisher Cemetery

Fulotka Cemetery

Gar Creek Cemetery

Gentry Cemetery

Gibson Cemetery

Gipson Cemetery

Grayson Cemetery

Greenwood Cemetery

Harper Family

Hawkins Cemetery

Hooks Cemetery

Hulbed Cemetery

Hulbert Cemetery

IOOF Cemetery

Jackson Cemetery

Jackson Grove

Jacob Morey Cemetery

Jamison Cemetery

Lincoln Cemetery

Marshall Cemetery

McDennil Cemetery

Memorial Park

Miller Cemetery

Morey Cemetery

Mt. Bethel Cemetery

Murphy Burial Ground

Northview Cemetery

Oak Grove Cemetery

Pendleton Cemetery

Pioneer Memorial

Pleasant Grove

Porter Cemetery

Potter Cemetery

Redbird Cemetery

Rock Church Cemetery

Rocky Point Cemetery

Roley McIntosh Burial

Sandtown Cemetery

Sarty Cemetery

Shahan Cemetery

Simmons Cemetery

Sodom Cemetery

Springtown Cemetery

Starks/Lynch Cemetery

Stone Bluff Cemetery

Thomas Smith Cemetery

Three Rivers Cemetery

Tiger Cemetery

Tobey Kelley Cemetery

Vann Cemetery

Vernon Cemetery

Wagoner Cemetery

Wallace Garden of

Wesley Tiger Cemetery

Williams Graveyard

Willow Cemetery

Willow Springs

Wilson Cemetery

Wyche Cemetery

Wysukie Cemetery

Yonkers Cemetery

Libraries in Wagoner County

Coweta Public Library
120 E. Sycamore
Coweta, OK 74429
Telephone: (918) 486-6532

Wagoner City Public Library
302 N. Main
Wagoner, OK 74467
Telephone: (918) 485-2126

Additional Genealogy Resources for Wagoner County

Wagoner County on OKGenWeb: Oklahoma Genealogy & History

Three Forks Genealogy Society
102 S. State St.
Wagoner, OK 74467

Places to Visit in Wagoner County

While researching your family history in Wagoner County, be sure to check out the following attractions located in the area.

Coweta Archery Park

Livesay Orchards

The Peach Barn & Orchard

Sequoyah Bay State Park

Wagoner City Historical Museum

Whitehorn Cove Marina & Resort

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Coweta Archery Park
35079 E 151st St S
Coweta, OK
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