Beaver County Genealogy Resources

Discover Beaver County and trace your family history and ancestry with this list of county-specific genealogy resources.

Beaver County in the panhandle of Oklahoma.

Located in the Oklahoma Panhandle, Beaver County was formed in 1907 from lands in Oklahoma Territory. In the early 1900s, the extension of railroad lines in the area allowed towns to grow and prosper. The Jones and Plummer Trail Museum, located in the county seat of Beaver, showcases the lives of early Beaver County settlers. Exhibits include historic home items and a restored schoolhouse. Each year Beaver holds the Cimarron Territory Celebration, which includes the city's famous World Cow Chip Throwing Contest.

In 2000, census records showed 5,857 people living in Beaver County. Countless assets exist for tracing genealogy in Beaver County including legal records, cemetery records and a local genealogical society. Valuable resources for researching genealogy in Beaver County are provided below, including a list of existing towns, a list of ghost towns, the county courthouse address, a detailed map of the county, a list of cemeteries located within the county, library information and more. A list of places to visit in Beaver County is also provided for visitors to the area.

Beaver County Courthouse Information

Detailed Map of Beaver County

Existing Towns in Beaver County

Ghost Towns in Beaver County

Cemeteries in Beaver County

Libraries in Beaver County

Add'l Resources for Beaver County

Places to Visit in Beaver County

Beaver County Courthouse Information

Beaver County Courthouse
111 W. 2nd Street
Beaver, OK 73932
Telephone: (580) 625-3151

Directions: On 2nd St. at Avenue F.

Records available: Court Clerk has marriage, divorce and civil court records from 1890 and probate records from 1891.

Beaver County Website:

Detailed Map of Beaver County

Search for cemeteries, highways and scenic sites, or examine county and township lines with this detailed map of Beaver County.

Existing Towns in Beaver County

The following towns and cities are located in present day Beaver County, Oklahoma.









Ghost Towns in Beaver County

The following towns and cities either no longer exist in Beaver County or are still populated, but significantly less so than in years past. These towns and cities are commonly referred to as "ghost towns."


Sod Town




Cemeteries in Beaver County

The following cemeteries are located in present day Beaver County, Oklahoma.

Alpine Cemetery

Cline Cemetery

Kroeker Cemetery

Balko Cemetery

Cooper Cemetery

Madison Cemetery

Balko-Mennonite Cemetery

Fairview Cemetery

Midway Cemetery

Barler Cemetery

Forgan Cemetery

Mountain View Cemetery

Beaver Pioneer Cemetery

Gate Cemetery

Overton Cemetery

Bethany Cemetery

Gray Cemetery

Pleasant Hill Cemetery

Bluemound Cemetery

Highland Cemetery

Poplar Grove Cemetery

Boyd Cemetery

Howe Cemetery

Sophia Cemetery

Bozarth Cemetery

Independence Cemetery

Speermore Cemetery

Busch Chapel Cemetery

Kiowa Cemetery

Turpin Cemetery

Capitol View Cemetery

Kirby Cemetery

Whitaker Cemetery

Clearlake Cemetery

Knowles Cemetery

Zelma Cemetery

Libraries in Beaver County

Beaver County Pioneer Library
201 Douglas Ave.
Beaver, OK 73932
Telephone: (580) 625-3076

Gateway to the Panhandle Museum Library
Main Street
Gate, OK 73844

Additional Genealogy Resources for Beaver County

Beaver County on OKGenWeb: Oklahoma Genealogy & History

Beaver County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 579
Beaver, OK 73932

Places to Visit in Beaver County

While researching your family history in Beaver County, be sure to check out the following attractions located in the area.

Bar B Ranch & Chuckwagon Hunts

Gateway to the Panhandle Museum

Jones & Plummer Trail Museum

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Bar B Ranch & Chuckwagon Hunts
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