Adair County Genealogy Resources

Discover Adair County and trace your family history and ancestry with this list of county-specific genealogy resources.

Adair County in northeast Oklahoma.

Adair County is located in the northeastern part of Oklahoma. Created in 1906 and named after the Adair family of the Cherokee tribe, the county seat of Adair County is Stilwell. The annual Stilwell Strawberry Festival showcases agriculture, a major economic force in Adair County. Two railroads served the area in the late 19th century and early 20th century: the Kansas City Southern Railway Company and the Ozark and Central Cherokee Railroad. Though nothing is left of it today, Fort Wayne near Watts was the site of a Civil War battle in 1862. Over the years, outlaws like the James brothers, the Starrs and “Pretty Boy” Floyd were known to frequent Adair County.

In 2000, census records showed 21,038 people living in Adair County. Countless assets exist for tracing genealogy in Adair County, including legal records, cemetery records and a local genealogical society. Valuable resources for researching genealogy in Adair County are provided below, including a list of existing towns, the county courthouse address, a detailed map of the county and a list of cemeteries located within the county.

Adair County Courthouse Information

Detailed Map of Adair County

Existing Towns in Adair County

Ghost Towns in Adair County

Cemeteries in Adair County

Libraries in Adair County

Historic Newspaper Archives of Adair County

Add'l Genealogy Resources for Adair County

Adair County Courthouse Information

Adair County Clerk
P.O. Box 169
Stilwell, OK 74960
Telephone: (918) 696-7198

Directions: On W. Division between S. 2nd & S. 3rd St.

Records available: Court Clerk has marriage, divorce, probate and civil court records from 1907; County Assessor has land records.

Detailed Map of Adair County

Search for cemeteries, highways and scenic sites, or examine county and township lines with this detailed map of Adair County.

Existing Towns in Adair County

The following towns and cities are located in present day Adair County, Oklahoma.



Lyons Switch











Elohim City

Rocky Mountain


Cherry Tree



Ghost Towns in Adair County

The following towns and cities either no longer exist in Adair County or are still populated, but significantly less so than in years past. These towns and cities are commonly referred to as "ghost towns."



Fort Wayne




Golda's Mill


Baptist Mission

Fairfield Mission


Tomy Town

Bidding Springs




Cemeteries in Adair County

The following cemeteries are located in present day Adair County, Oklahoma.

Adair Cemetery

Elm Grove Cemetery

Pilgrims Rest Cemetery

Ahman Hill Cemetery

England Cemetery

Piney Cemetery

Alberty Cemetery

Ewing Chapel Cemetery

Proctor Cemetery

Allison Cemetery

Fairfield Cemetery

Pumpkin Hollow Cemetery

Bailey Cemetery

Feathers Cemetery

Redbird Cemetery

Baptist Mission Cemetery

Flint Courthouse Cemetery

Reese Cemetery

Beaver Cemetery

Foreman Cemetery

Rock Fence Cemetery

Bell Cemetery

Fourkiller Cemetery

Rogers Family Burial Ground

Blackbird Doublehead Burial Ground

Freewater Cemetery

Salem Cemetery

Blackwood Cemetery

Old Green Cemetery

Salem Indian Cemetery

Bolds Cemetery

Greese Cemetery

Samuel Benjamin Ward Cemetery

Bunch Cemetery (Old)

Hines Cemetery

Samuel Adair Cemetery

Bunch Cemetery (South)

Hogner Cemetery

Scraper Cemetery

Buzzard Cemetery

Honey Hill Cemetery

Silk-Daugherty Cemetery

Cain Family Cemetery

Hungry Mountain Cemetery

Sixkiller Cemetery

Campbell Family Cemetery

Ketcher Cemetery (Stilwell)

Spade Mountain Cemetery

Caney Cemetery

Ketcher Cemetery (Westville)

Starr Cemetery

Chalk Bluff Cemetery

Killer Cemetery

Starr Spring Cemetery

Cherry Tree Cemetery

Lacie Cemetery

Stony Point Cemetery

Chewey Cemetery

Manning Cemetery

Swimmer Cemetery

Chuculate Cemetery

McLemore Cemetery

Terrell Cemetery

Chuliawe Cemetery

Morris Cemetery

Thompson Cemetery

Chulio Cemetery

Morton Cemetery

Thornton Cemetery

Clear Spring Cemetery

Mulberry Hollow Cemetery

Turkey Lee Cemetery

Clyne Cemetery

New Hope Cemetery

Twist Cemetery

Cochran Cemetery

New Hope Cemetery

Tyler Spring Cemetery

Corntassel Cemetery

New Hope Cemetery

Union Chapel Cemetery

Crittenden Cemetery

Oak Grove Cemetery

Walkingstick Cemetery

Crittenden Cemetery

Oak Ridge Cemetery

Watt-Christie Cemetery

Cyole Cemetery

Paden Cemetery (AKA
Geneva/Rock Springs

Watts Cemetery

Davis Cemetery

Palone Cemetery

Westville Cemetery

Doublehead Cemetery

Parris Cemetery

Whitmire Cemetery

Dougherty Cemetery

Peacheater Cemetery

Wolf Cemetery

Downing Cemetery

Peavine Cemetery

Woodall Cemetery

Echota Cemetery

Phillips Cemetery

Zion Cemetery

Libraries of Adair County

Stilwell Public Library
5 N. 6th St
Stilwell, OK 74960
Telephone: (918) 696-7512

John F. Henderson Public Library
116 N. Williams
Westville, OK 74965
Telephone: (918) 723-5002

Historic Newspaper Archives of Adair County

Adair County Democrat

The Standard-Sentinel

Stilwell Standard

Stilwell Democrat-Journal

The Watts Watchman

Westville Record

Westville Reporter

Additional Genealogy Resources for Adair County

Adair County on OKGenWeb: Oklahoma Genealogy & History

Adair County Historical & Genealogical Association

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